Perusing the wide saga of knowledge
And the day auspicious I pay flowers of tribute
Which stay as imprints of our heritage
Do remember the man behind this ominous day
A man of sacred goals and wealthy thoughts
Let that great philosopher be acclaimed
As he made us think of our teachers
Past hugs me in panoramic vision
Passing from the day I touched the alphabets
Let me pay my homage’s reverent to the persona
Cared to open the world of letters
Faces flash, I think of later days
The faces that of constant inspiration
Let me salute them
,for they be not second to god
How you mixed up life with fancy
As literature opens up a world of fancy
How you made enjoy the journey
A journey through Chaucer, Milton and Eliot
New world of vistas splash knowledge
Sprinkle it as ever before
Let the teachers be always be saluted
Let them glitter stars in us
Geetha V C